Garden Group

Local Summerville area back yard vegetable gardeners are welcome and encouraged to come to these weekly meetings to discuss, learn, share gardening tips, ideas, knowledge with fellow gardeners.  This group is for beginners to seasoned senior gardeners and we can all help each other learn and build our gardens.  We will start off at my home and if it grows to larger numbers, we will move to library or similar conference room.

YouTube is ok for some things, but in person discussions and questions are much better and old school (which we all need to get back to).

Topics will include:

  • composting
  • varieties of plants
  • synthetic vs organic
  • greenhouse use
  • seed organizing
  • many more

(More on Gardening)      (Click here to email Paul about coming to meeting)

Custom Woodworking

Through the years, I have made many of the props and sets for the studio so my skills and experience with woodworking and craft making has increased and much of my “off time” is building something and creative projects.   I have completed large concrete water fountains, garden pots, bird baths, some wood furniture, wooden bowls and have sold many of these projects to local residents (usually on FBook marketplace).

(Click here to see more)