[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sponsor Me MUSC

Looking for big-hearted people to donate to the MUSC Children’s Hospital by sponsoring me “per mile” I complete in the half marathon I will be running Saturday Jan 17, 2015.

While talking to The Lord yesterday morning on my run (still getting ready for the Half Marathon) He laid on my heart to give back somehow and encourage the kids down at the MUSC Children’s Hospital. I am no runner, and this will be a challenge for me but since I did several March of Dimes Walk-a-Thons as a kid and got “sponsors” per mile….I thought that might be a great way to give back to the kids (and help motivate me too). I am looking for you and anyone you know to sponsor me $1-$20 per mile for every mile I complete in the half marathon. I do plan on completing it which is 13.1 miles.

100% of the funds will go directly to MUSC Children’s Hospital.

Please email me with your name and amount per mile you will donate (tax deductible). You will pay them directly and can make checks payable to MUSC Children’s Hospital and pay directly to the MUSC Children’s Hospital secure website.

Please share this with everyone you know….your Facebook page, etc.. so we can really give the MUSC Children’s Hospital a nice gift.  I already have several sponsoring and would love to have tons more.  (I know I should have started earlier but I just though of this).  If I complete this half marathon in one piece and not die… then maybe I can try the full marathon next year for more sponsors for the MUSC Children’s Hospital.

I will be using my Endomondo tracker to track my progress (in real time) so you can also see my progress live if you choose. I will also be listed in the official race results from Charleston Marathon folks after the race.

Respectfully,  Paul[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]